CaboZone Blog

WP Upgrade to 3.0.1

WP Upgrade to 3.0.1

Just did a successful upgrade to WordPress 3.0.1. Fairly painless but the Twitter plugin that I was using didn’t like the change. had to switch to another one. As I host my WP site...

Ordered Kodak Zi8

Ordered Kodak Zi8

Found a deal on Amazon for the Kodak Zi8.  $140 and a free extra battery, and free 2 day shipping.  Should be at the house today.  Will post my review and some videos about...

Gearing up for Castle on ABC

Gearing up for Castle on ABC

Yes, getting ready watch Castle tonight, part 2 of “tick tick tick … boom”, did beckett die in part 1, will Castle catch the killer or put his own daughter at risk!!  Just hours now till part...

What are they thinking?

What are they thinking?

 Have you been driving and seen the cute decals on the back of a minivan or SUV?  They come in many patterns from Mickey Mouse to Karate to Flip Flops show here.  I realize...

Small Business Loan

Small Business Loan

So I work for a small, privately owned business that did a building expansion 11 years ago. They of course had to get a loan for the improvement.   The terms of the loan was 10...

Hyper-V vs VMWare

Hyper-V vs VMWare

I recently had a vendor meeting with our local representative from VMWare, had to beat them up on their lack of response on a recent support issue.  During the conversation we brough up new...

Install Microsoft Exchange 2007

Install Microsoft Exchange 2007

Had a phone interview for a job in Los Angeles the other day.  They were looking for someone who had installed Microsoft Exchange in a larger environment.  I have done the install several times,...