Finally have a phone upgrade to replace my cell phone. My current phone, a Samsung Eternity, has worked well for the last 10 months but lately it has been shutting off, rebooting and there are icons missing on the screen. So now I have an ATT / HTC Pure on the way. Have had Windows Mobile based phones before and that has been a pain for me with the Eternity which had no easy way to synchronize with my computer. My service is with AT&T so I breifly looked at the iPhone but paying that much for a phone that has mediocre support for Microsoft Outlook. Plus I don’t like the Apple arrogance that they can charge so much for products, why buy an iBook for $1500 when I can but a Windows based notebook for $300, and still perform the same exact tasks. Makes no sense. Next AT&T does not have an android based device yet. But does anyone really want the first version of any phone device? Ask the iPhone early adopters, cut and what? Android is also linked back to the Google mothership, anything you do is online and pushes up to google, wait till AT&T makes a mandatory $90 a month data plan for that phone. No thank you.
So along comes Windows Mobile 6.5, supposed to be a leap above previous versions of Window Mobile. I have used v 6.0 devices and they all worked quite well and synced up with my computer easily. This screen on the Pure is 480×800 resolution so it should have great detail. My device is set to arrive on Wednesday, I will post a full review of the phone shortly after that.