Insurance Hell
So, no one likes to deal with insurance companies and we all know that the system needs to have some reform (like killing obama care before it kills everyone else) but dealing with insurance when you and your wife live 400 miles apart is totaly hell. Trying to setup a doctor when the only doctors in the group are pediatricians does not work. Then to get anything setup, entered, updated takes hours on the phone. The last week I have spend over 14 hours on the phone with insurance people (all who sound like they are in India) doctors offices, human resources, and several confernce calls. It does not seem to get any better as you move forward. New insurance does not cover the same prescription drugs as the old one so now you have to twist around what medications you take, hopefully you won’t have a horrible reaction to any of them. And of course the fact that we have seen the same medications in Mexico for one tenth the price and you don’t need a prescription. Grrrrrr. Well the call I finally had today got an appointment with a nurse practitioner, hopefuly something will come of that. I am sure it will all be fine as long as the medical group gets their copay!